Sunday, May 22, 2011

Second chapter completed!

Just a quick update saying the second chapter is completed, and I've started the third. The third chapter is supposed to be really comical, to counter the somber mood of the first and second, so we'll see how it goes. This is where we're introduced to the Persian! YAY!

Leffie LeFan

Friday, May 13, 2011


Yes, I have not touched this blog for a long while, simply because I've been too busy. BUT NO MORE! MWAHAHA!

Okay, so... Updates updates... What to update? Oh, right!

I've completely rewritten my book! Yaaaay!

*crickets chirp*

What, are you surprised? It's pretty much common knowledge that all authors have multiple first drafts.

Okay, so I haven't written the WHOLE thing. I'm only almost done with the second chapter. I actually kept the original preface, so the one you read before is the same as it will be in the book. I'm not even going to edit it, except for grammar. I'm very partial to my preface! *pets preface* Pretty preface... So nice and pretty...

*coughs* Ahem... What? I wasn't petting the preface! Are you crazy?! *shifty eyes*

So, the rest of the book is completely different, and TEN times better. So far, I've firmly established my version of Erik's personality, as now he's one of the main narrators (Raoul or Christine will be the other FIRST person narrator, with sporadic third person narrations from the Persian or random people, like the managers or something). Technically, there are two storylines that are going on throughout the book, and the characters involved in each storyline don't know what's going on in the other until the end, when it all comes together (in the sort of pre-climax in Venice, then the climax of the novel in Paris).

I've also got an ESTABLISHED TIMELINE AND PLOT! YAAAAY! I know exactly what's going to happen as I go along, more or less, and I've got a whole 9 page document worth of notes on what I want in the book, and I've got a date specific timeline for Erik (I need one for the de Chagnys now...). I've also got some ideas for titles, though none is set in stone. I even have an idea for the cover of the book!

And I'll have you know, the writing is A LOT better than before. I quite enjoy writing now, and I don't feel like I'm writing a fan fiction anymore. I even gave the first chapter to my mom to read, and she said she was blown away, and didn't expect it to be so good. And my mom is usually pretty critical, as she reads ALL the time.

My characters so far are a lot more complex, I think, especially the Angel of Music, Aria. She's seriously come a long way since the first draft, and I actually like her now! She was so difficult to write before because she was just so annoying! But now she's a lot more developed and three dimensional, even if she is an Angel. She's not really a goody two shoes, like she SHOULD be. Erik even calls her on that, multiple times!

I've also fully developed the impostor character, though for the life of me I CAN'T FIGURE OUT A NAME FOR HIM! He needs to have a foppish/dandy/aristocrat French name, but I can't think of one. Or maybe it could be Italian, since most of his and Christine's story takes place in Venice, so he could be "from there." And no, I'm not revealing any more than that about him!

Erik is officially nuts now. Thank God. He was such a sap before. Its finally believable! Yay!

I gave the first chapter to my best friend to read, and here's what she said:

[10:52:40 PM] Rose Of Phantom: Okay.
[10:52:54 PM] Rose Of Phantom: The way you took on Eriks persona after the part I rwad before...
[10:52:56 PM] Rose Of Phantom: OH.
[10:52:59 PM] Rose Of Phantom: MY.
[10:53:01 PM] Rose Of Phantom: GOD.
[10:53:13 PM] Rose Of Phantom: I WANT THAT ERIK.
[10:53:15 PM] Leffie LeFan: THANK YOU!
[10:53:21 PM] Leffie LeFan: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
[10:53:44 PM] Rose Of Phantom: It seems you had definitely gone right from Kay and straight into Lefroux XDDDDDD
[10:53:57 PM] Rose Of Phantom: That's not a typo btw.
[10:54:10 PM] Leffie LeFan: Lefroux?
[10:54:12 PM] Leffie LeFan: WTF?
[10:54:13 PM] Rose Of Phantom: XD
[10:54:14 PM] Leffie LeFan: OH!
[10:54:15 PM] Leffie LeFan: LEFFIE/LEROUX!
[10:54:19 PM] Leffie LeFan: AAAAAAAAW~!
[10:54:31 PM] Rose Of Phantom: ((sun))
[10:54:38 PM] Leffie LeFan: I LOVE YOUS!
[10:54:40 PM] Leffie LeFan: So you love it?
[10:54:46 PM] Rose Of Phantom: YES.
[10:54:50 PM] Leffie LeFan: YAY!

So yeah, you can tell this is gonna be good. And believe me, she HATES Phantom sequels with a passion ESPECIALLY Love Never Dies (I like it more than her). She actually enjoyed what I wrote.

Look out for more posts! If you can, post a comment suggesting names for the Imposter. Just some Dandy-ish names.  Also, I'm going to be advertising this blog on more sites, maybe to get more followers. 

Au revoir!


Monday, November 29, 2010


Yes, you heard right. I FINALLY finished the first chapter! I mean, I finished it a while ago, but typing takes forever... I haven't finished editing it, yet, so it's still in rough draft mode. Some parts are excellent, while other parts are... meh.

If you would like to read it (as I'm only allowing a select few to) post a comment and I'll send it to you! Mostly my Phantom friends who I promised could read it, and a few others! Thanks you guys!


Saturday, September 25, 2010


Quick update. I haven't written much since school's out for a week, and I normally only write at school. Pretty much trying to type and edit the first chapter, since I want to give you guys that sneak peak. I've been finding it difficult to get a true grasp of Erik's personality. I know he's supposed to be ruthless, and I am making him that way, but it's extremely hard because of the plot. He has to be a bit submissive into this whole ordeal, but at the same time that's out of character for him. I want him to be as absolutely in character as possible, with only a few artistic liberties.

How do you guys feel about this passage? It's Erik contemplating, and finally telling Aria, the angel of music, that he'll go on this quest of hers. Is it in character to you? Or do you think he should be a bit more hesitant and regretful? Is there ANYTHING that you find wrong with it?

         Erik could not speak. He could not believe such a thing. But the magic he witnessed, the face, held his heart. His heart screamed to him that he was meant to do this. His mind did not wish to be broken again. But the heart doesn't take such things into account.
         Hesitantly, as he silently disapproved, he took Aria by the hands (though she had to place them in his, for he passed through hers).  He grumbled inwardly, rolling his eyes in his mind.
         "I am a gentleman. I was raised as such, no matter how much my mother revolted at the sight of me," he flinched at the terrible memories that flashed in his head. He blinked quickly to rid himself of them. "As a gentleman I am inclined to accept your... Er... His offer." Erik grimaced as he mentioned the God he was not so sure he believed in. "I don't know how I can possibly be 'saved' as you claim, but for your sake, Mademoiselle, I shall indeed strive to fulfill the requirements you've placed upon me."

So? What do you think? Thoughts?

Also, I need a bit of help. I'm not quite sure on the relationship between the Persian and Darius, his servant, and their relationship plays a crucial role in the second chapter, and perhaps later on. Does anyone know anything about this? I mean, does Daroga treat Darius like a slave, or is he a kind master? MUCHO IMPORTANTE!

Ta ta for now! 

EDIT: Also, how do you feel about, once the first chapter is 100% complete, I format it like a real book and have it up for sale for say... 1-2 dollars? Or just only a few people will get the full chapter, if they've helped me out with plotting and character study?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

So... How about a preview!?

Just a little snippet... Just the preface, actually. I'm sure you don't mind, my two measly followers! ;P


"He had a heart that could have held the empire of the world: 
              and, in the end, he had to content himself with a cellar."
                                                    The Phantom of the Opera
                                                                  by Gaston Leroux

    Death is not the end.
    At least, not for Erik. For the Opera Ghost, it is only the beginning of a long and brutal journey toward redemption. It is not, as some might suggest, the end of life. Life is an ongoing cycle of one, singular pulse, beating throughout the Earth. It starts in the very hearts of the people: people dreaming, or wishing on stars. It starts with people dancing with those they love, laughing in times of sorrow, being brave in the face of danger.
    No, death is not the end. Life goes on. It must, or else there would be no stories to tell, no songs to sing. There would be no happiness, no joy. Just misery and despair. Life cannot be filled with those things because then it is not life at all. It would be a hollow shell of what it should be. What it was.
Instead, life is a gift. When one ends, another begins.
   This is where our story starts; or rather, where a previous story is continued. A life being lost. Now it is born again.
   This is the story of the Phantom of the Opera. He is a man who could love the world ten times over, but never got the chance. A chance at love, peace, and happiness. He is a genius, a madman, a murderer. Some would even call him an angel.
   This is the story of Erik.
   For him, death is only the beginning.


Ta ta for now!

Monday, September 13, 2010

HURRY UP! You won't believe it! Take a look what's over here!

Wow... What a way to start a post with a line from LND... My god, I must be going insane...

Now I love LND, but the concept is just so silly. I mean... Erik would NEVER have friggin sex with Christine unless a) she loved him, b) they were married, and c) he wasn't fugly... Since none of those things are true, Gustave shouldn't exist...

But enough about LND... Since this is a blog about MY sequel, I should start by saying... Umm... Welcome? Hello? I dunno... How about... *insert random greeting here*

Better? Good.

Okay, so I know if you're reading this then you are most likely a Phantom Phan (a purist hopefully), or one of my non-Phan friends that I forced onto this website (you know who you are... *shifty eyes*). I know most of the phans are against the idea of a sequel, especially since I claim that my sequel is based off the original Leroux novel. WHAT? you say? ERIK DIED, SO HOW CAN THERE BE A SEQUEL?! *le gasp*

YES! I know. I know, don't worry... I am NOT a Gerik phan. Or an E/C Shipper.

I suppose, then, that I should start off with the basic premise of my story (AND NO! It's not a freaking fanfiction! It is, but it's going to be published! So quit saying I'm wasting my time!).

Okay, so Erik's dead. It starts after Christine leaves him with the ring (I've taken an artistic liberty and had him not buried, just in the coffin, for the sake of the plot. I know he was buried...). Soon a strange glow appears and transforms into a beautiful young woman. She breathes life into Erik. He gasps, tries to punjab the girl (of course), but passes through her *le gasp again*. He finds out that she's the real "angel of music" sent straight from Heaven by God. She offers him a deal. If he can find his reason for being and right all his wrongs by a certain time, instead of going to hell where he was SUPPOSED to go, he will be sent to Heaven and become the new Angel of Music, for real this time.

This novel will mostly be about Erik's journey throughout the world, looking for the people and things he's wronged and trying to make them right, trying to find his reason for being, and making sure no one can find him and hunt him down as they wished to do before he died (of course he died before they got the chance). There is also a villain! And you thought this was just a novel about self discovery! Silly Dr. Phibes! (Don't ask)

Yes, the villain is a Phantom impersonator, who has read about Erik in newspaper clippings and has spoken to Daroga about Erik's tactic's and inventions. He has devised a plot to kidnap Christine again and place the blame on Erik! What to do! More on this mysterious villain will be revealed in good time (or when I figure out what the hell this guy's motive is!)

So, what do you think? Do you love the concept or hate it? I love feedback! I've written the first chapter and part of the second, just have to type it. I will have a preview of the first chapter soon! Thanks for reading!

Ta ta for now!