Monday, September 13, 2010

HURRY UP! You won't believe it! Take a look what's over here!

Wow... What a way to start a post with a line from LND... My god, I must be going insane...

Now I love LND, but the concept is just so silly. I mean... Erik would NEVER have friggin sex with Christine unless a) she loved him, b) they were married, and c) he wasn't fugly... Since none of those things are true, Gustave shouldn't exist...

But enough about LND... Since this is a blog about MY sequel, I should start by saying... Umm... Welcome? Hello? I dunno... How about... *insert random greeting here*

Better? Good.

Okay, so I know if you're reading this then you are most likely a Phantom Phan (a purist hopefully), or one of my non-Phan friends that I forced onto this website (you know who you are... *shifty eyes*). I know most of the phans are against the idea of a sequel, especially since I claim that my sequel is based off the original Leroux novel. WHAT? you say? ERIK DIED, SO HOW CAN THERE BE A SEQUEL?! *le gasp*

YES! I know. I know, don't worry... I am NOT a Gerik phan. Or an E/C Shipper.

I suppose, then, that I should start off with the basic premise of my story (AND NO! It's not a freaking fanfiction! It is, but it's going to be published! So quit saying I'm wasting my time!).

Okay, so Erik's dead. It starts after Christine leaves him with the ring (I've taken an artistic liberty and had him not buried, just in the coffin, for the sake of the plot. I know he was buried...). Soon a strange glow appears and transforms into a beautiful young woman. She breathes life into Erik. He gasps, tries to punjab the girl (of course), but passes through her *le gasp again*. He finds out that she's the real "angel of music" sent straight from Heaven by God. She offers him a deal. If he can find his reason for being and right all his wrongs by a certain time, instead of going to hell where he was SUPPOSED to go, he will be sent to Heaven and become the new Angel of Music, for real this time.

This novel will mostly be about Erik's journey throughout the world, looking for the people and things he's wronged and trying to make them right, trying to find his reason for being, and making sure no one can find him and hunt him down as they wished to do before he died (of course he died before they got the chance). There is also a villain! And you thought this was just a novel about self discovery! Silly Dr. Phibes! (Don't ask)

Yes, the villain is a Phantom impersonator, who has read about Erik in newspaper clippings and has spoken to Daroga about Erik's tactic's and inventions. He has devised a plot to kidnap Christine again and place the blame on Erik! What to do! More on this mysterious villain will be revealed in good time (or when I figure out what the hell this guy's motive is!)

So, what do you think? Do you love the concept or hate it? I love feedback! I've written the first chapter and part of the second, just have to type it. I will have a preview of the first chapter soon! Thanks for reading!

Ta ta for now!

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